The evolution of FOHER Co - from small things

February 13, 2022 4 min read

The evolution of FOHER Co - from small things

It was at Noosa Triathlon in 2019, when FOHER Co Founding sisters Hannah Hogan and Kylie Anderson had a heart to heart about the future of their Company.

The girls saw three options:

1. Say a fond farewell and sayonara, thanks it's been fun and shut the doors on FOHER.

2. Carry on the business as the 'hobby' that it had so-far been.

3. Ramp up the business and attend to the growing demand for FOHER that was becoming evident by the expanding Community and incredibly loyal and supportive customers.

The girls decided that the only way forward was down path number 3.

Here is more from FOHER Co Owner Kylie Anderson.

FOHER Co Director Kylie Anderson

Pic. FOHER Co Owner Kylie Anderson racing at Mooloolaba Triathlon in 2020, the last domestic race before the Australia wide COVID-19 lockdown.


What a journey the last five years of FOHER Co has been! Here, as I sit in front of my computer late, where so many hours have been whiled away, everything has always in the spirit of fun and connection as Hannah and I laughed, cried, butted heads and continued to pour our hearts and energy into a business that really had its formal birth during a car ride from Cairns to Port Douglas, on our way to race the TriPort Triathlon in 2013. Who could have foreseen where we are today? We certainly had no idea where the FOHER Co journey would lead, we really didn't think that much about it when we started, other than we both had an incredible passion to tri and wanted to be comfortable and look great while we all did it. Taking a look back through the FOHER Co Facebook Timeline was a blast, how our technology and look has sharpened in such a short time.

FOHER Co first ever collection Heiro launched at the New York City Triathlon in 2013

Pic. Amanda Bisk for FOHER Co wearing Heiro kit from the first ever kit expo at the New York City Triathlon in 2013.

FOHER Co has been through a number of iterations since the formal Australian launch at Noosa Triathlon in 2014. FOHER Multisport Woman, FOHER Multisport, and of course FOHER Co. When it came to crunch time, to decide who we really are, we could have gone in one of two directions. A complete rebrand and new name, or to explore what FOHER Co really meant to us, and to our Community.

FOHER Co sponsoring Cairns Crocs Triathlon Club Tri de Femme for women only

Pic. FOHER Co has always been passionate about supporting grass roots and athletes. FOHER Co organised and sponsored the Cairns Crocs Triathlon Club's Ladies only Tri de Femme triathlon which included free training, for many years.

The response was overwhelming. All signs pointed to the retention of FOHER Co. A strong name that had meaning and was already recognisable in our important circles. A name that pays homage to the original vision Hannah had: to create a platform to encourage, inspire and empower Women in Triathlon, and a name that encompasses our inclusive and growing Australian and International Communities.   

The new FOHER Co logo explained

Pic. New FOHER Co typeface.

And now, in the middle of a particularly challenging 2020, it's nearly go time. This is the last piece of writing I have to do before we hit LIVE on this new platform. It's been a long time coming, and we're finally here.

And even though Hannah is now taking a permanent step back from FOHER Co, I'm sure she will be present in the background, rolling out with us, cheering us on at races, hopefully keeping a watchful eye on things and keeping me honest. I want to take this opportunity to thank her, my partner in FOHER shenanigans for so long, for everything, and wish her, partner Thomas and new bub Harvey the best for the future. It's been a hell of a journey, and I could not think of anyone else I'd have rather have been in business with.

FOHER Co founding sisters Hannah Hogan and Kylie Anderson at Noosa Triathlon and Multisport Festival

Pic. Hannah and Kylie doing one of the things triathletes do best. Chats and brekkie smoothies post ride at the 2018 Noosa Triathlon.

And to that end, here is one of my favourite Hannah quotes:

'We are all born with potential greatness and with numerous opportunities to soar to dizzying new heights. It is so important to just do your own thing - whatever makes you truly happy - and do it as best you can. When you set out to live your dreams sometimes people will try and hold you back or tell you you're wasting your time. But you must push forward and continue to follow your own path. Like everyone else, you will have some days that are better than others, occasionally everything will seem like a total disaster and you may even doubt yourself. But what ever happens, just hang on! Because when you make the most of your life it will transform everything about you from ordinary to extraordinary, and you will be full of a heartfelt joy that is highly contagious, just like when you are laughing out loud and then you make someone else start laughing, and then someone else. But best of all, by doing the things that make you happy, you will inspire someone else to go after their dreams... and that my friends is how you change the world! "BTG"'.

Thankyou for taking the time to read. I am excited to continue the FOHER Co tradition and bring premium triathlon and cycling apparel to our incredible Community...along with plenty of cheek and fun of course!


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Size Guide





Grab your tape measure, make sure it is held flat, not twisted and always make sure that it is held firmly, not cutting in or squashing the area you are measuring.  Please take the measurements below and compare them to the size chart to find the size that is right for you.  

Taking your measurements whilst naked will give you your exact measurements, but if you intend wearing a garment (like a sports bra under your trikit), then take your measurements with those garments on.

CHEST/BUST – Place tape measure around the fullest and widest part of your bust (usually the part with the nipples!) Be careful not to let the tape measure slip down at the back, or squash you. 

WAIST – Place tape measure between the bottom of your ribs and the top of your hip bones (the easiest way to find your waist is to stand in front of front of a mirror and suck your tummy in hard - you should see it!). It's also usually the narrowest part of your natural waistline.

HIP – Place the measuring tape around the fullest, widest part, usually over your bottom or at the top of your thighs between your hips and thighs.

HEIGHT – In bare feet, stand against a wall and mark the point perpendicular to the top of your head. Measure up to this point from the floor.

These measurements do not include ease, which is the amount of extra space allowed in a garment for comfort and movement. The amount of ease added can greatly differ depending on the fit of the garment.

Still not sure about what size you could be? Our two product models are good examples.

Amanda is wearing the 2P trisuits and is a Small. Amanda is 177cm tall, Bust 85cm, Waist 70cm, Hips 89cm

Katie is wearing all of our other products in an XS. Katie is 156cm tall, Bust 80cm, Waist 68cm, Hips 91cm.

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