Zeetah. One determined young woman

October 13, 2020 5 min read 2 Comments

Zeetah. One determined young woman

We pride ourselves on being a grass-roots brand. Hannah and I started our Company with nothing but our own blood, sweat and tears. We asked no favours from anyone, we boot-strapped, everything we earned we did off our own backs. Over time, an incredible Community began to form around us, build us up, carry us forward and kept our mission alive and strong. But we have never forgotten where we came from, where that idea grew into something real, it was in a small town in regional Queensland. We have always supported local, grass-roots athletes, right from the start. Triathlon does not always provide a level playing field when you're first starting out and we give back. We asked our Junior Ambassador Zeetah Nuttall to share her journey, because what an incredible young role-model, what a story, and what great things she has in her sights.

We hope you enjoy reading. 



FOHER Co swim ride run Ambassador Zeetah Nuttall after winning her sprint title at the Papua New Guinea championships

Pic: Zeetah after winning her sprint title at the Papua New Guinea National Championship.

I grew up in a small town in Papua New Guinea called Tabubil and there were not a lot if any options when it came to playing sports. But I always knew I wanted to be active and play sports one day. When me and my family moved down to Cairns, Australia, my eyes opened to the sports available and I wanted to try them all. I liked the running events in the school athletics carnivals and I also joined the school soccer team which I enjoyed. I was also happy to make the Peninsula Team for Cairns North in my first year playing. I have played hockey for the past 3 seasons which has helped me keep fit, but my main focus has been Triathlons.

FOHER Co Ambassador Zeetah Nuttall racing in far North Queensland in her custom FOHER

Pic: Zeetah racing at the local Cairns Crocs Triathlon Club tri at Tinaroo, north Queensland.

There was a triathlon group in Grade 6 I went to Edge Hill State School called “Edge Hill Triathlon Academy”. The Academy was lots of fun and good experience. We trained in the morning lunch and sometimes in the afternoon the academy was run by Will Tri & Swim with Bill and Simone Evans. Focusing on the core skills for all disciplines of triathlons. Bill and Simone have been my triathlon coach from the start and have helped me build my skills up, reach my goals and this has helped me get confident in racing. They continued to help me since I have left primary school and we would train 3 times per week in the mornings as swimming sessions, 1 time per week was running training with Luke our running coach down at the Barlow. As I get older my training has been changing and I needed to find other options to help to achieve my next goals. Bill and Simone now just run the CME Swim School and I thank them so much for their help. Another person I would like to say thank you for their help is Emy. She donated her time to help our group of triathlon juniors, which was so appreciative.

Pic: Zeetah's first Triathlon Squad Will Tri & Swim.

I have trained with a group of people in mixed ages and my first ever triathlon friend (competition haha) Tom Barber. We both have been doing Will Tri & Swim Triathlon squad, until it stopped. We have trained with each other for 3 years now, a year later we met my friend Zoe Coe (more competition haha) at a race at Tobruk Pool. I asked her to join Will Tri & Swim since then me Tom and Zoe have all been the TZZ Gang it’s been lots of fun and god laughs and lots made lots of good memories with them. Sometimes more laughing than training sorry coaches haha! There has been another cool group of youth and juniors training with Renee Kerr from Tri Motivate, she has been so good to make time to help us improve on our skills.

With the help of the above people (and our parents of course!) all 3 of us made the Peninsula State Triathlon Team in 2018 which was held in Hervey Bay. An awesome moment for all of us and such a great experience to see the next level athletes also competing.

FOHER Co Ambassador Zeetah Nuttall racing for Peninsula in north Queensland Australia

Pic: Zeetah racing in her Peninsula colours at Yorkeys Knob, Cairns, Australia.

I have completed in local Triathlon and running events like Tri Du Triple Yorkey's Knob, Lake Eacham and Tinaroo Triathlons. I have had some experiences of racing outside of Cairns like Hervey Bay for Triathlon state championships in 2018, Townsville Triathlon Festival 2017-19 and the Magnetic Island Triathlon but my biggest race win so far would have to be when I came first for the 2019 PNG National Sprint Triathlon Championships held in Port Moresby. This has now fuelled my dream to represent my birth country as an elite athlete one day.

FOHER Co triathlon and cycling apparel Ambassador Zeetah Nuttall after winning the Papua New Guinea National Sprint Championship

Pic. Zeetah winning her sprint title at the PNG National Championship.

My first ever triathlon bike was a second hand bike, which was just my school bike. Then when I started to look at other bikes and I saw a bike at the Townsville Triathlon festival with the brand Giant LIV and I was instantly in love with the brand. I asked dad if I could get a good triathlon bike and I was lucky enough to get a LIV! Bill from Will Tri & Swim organized for me to be fitted up to make sure the new bike was good for me. Because of me growing I needed another bike so now I’m loving my new carbon Giant LIV. Oh, I still have all of my old bikes, hard to get rid of memories some times.

I was fortunate enough to meet a lady when I went to the PNG Nationals by the name of Rachel Sapery James and she has agreed to help me with my training and long-term goals for triathlon. My future goal is to represent PNG at the 2021 Youth Commonwealth Games for cycling, 2021 Mini Games Micronesia for sprint triathlon and 2022 Youth Olympics for sprint triathlon. This will require next level dedication from me and I’m keen for the journey.

FOHER Co Ambassador Zeetah Nuttall in PNG after winning the National Sprint Triathlon title

Pic: Zeetah after winning her National Sprint Triathlon title in Papua New Guinea.

I want to say a huge thank you to Kylie and FOHER Co Team, who have been supporting me since 2018 with their race cheering and also the awesome comfortable race clothing. The most comfortable tri and running gear and also the most colourful in the races! I love representing the brand and it’s a pleasure to be a FOHER Co 2020 Ambassador.

I would like to say a big thank you to my Dad and Mum for helping me throughout the start of this triathlon journey and helping me stay motivated to train hard. In our little triathlon training group, there are also other parents who have helped me so much, especially Sonya and Scott Barber for helping me get to training and races when my dad is at work.

Zeetah Nuttall.

2 Responses

Renee Ker -TriMotivate
Renee Ker -TriMotivate

March 16, 2021

Incredible young lady! Best of luck in your adventure Zeetah l! You have been a pleasure to coach and look forward to hearing about your future triathlon adventures!!! Nice work Foher for creating ambassador pathways for young athletes too!

Renee Ker -TriMotivate
Renee Ker -TriMotivate

March 16, 2021

Incredible young lady! Best of luck in your adventure Zeetah l! You have been a pleasure to coach and look forward to hearing about your future triathlon adventures!!! Nice work Foher for creating ambassador pathways for young athletes too!

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Size Guide





Grab your tape measure, make sure it is held flat, not twisted and always make sure that it is held firmly, not cutting in or squashing the area you are measuring.  Please take the measurements below and compare them to the size chart to find the size that is right for you.  

Taking your measurements whilst naked will give you your exact measurements, but if you intend wearing a garment (like a sports bra under your trikit), then take your measurements with those garments on.

CHEST/BUST – Place tape measure around the fullest and widest part of your bust (usually the part with the nipples!) Be careful not to let the tape measure slip down at the back, or squash you. 

WAIST – Place tape measure between the bottom of your ribs and the top of your hip bones (the easiest way to find your waist is to stand in front of front of a mirror and suck your tummy in hard - you should see it!). It's also usually the narrowest part of your natural waistline.

HIP – Place the measuring tape around the fullest, widest part, usually over your bottom or at the top of your thighs between your hips and thighs.

HEIGHT – In bare feet, stand against a wall and mark the point perpendicular to the top of your head. Measure up to this point from the floor.

These measurements do not include ease, which is the amount of extra space allowed in a garment for comfort and movement. The amount of ease added can greatly differ depending on the fit of the garment.

Still not sure about what size you could be? Our two product models are good examples.

Amanda is wearing the 2P trisuits and is a Small. Amanda is 177cm tall, Bust 85cm, Waist 70cm, Hips 89cm

Katie is wearing all of our other products in an XS. Katie is 156cm tall, Bust 80cm, Waist 68cm, Hips 91cm.

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